DOCJT Public Safety Dispatch Academy Class 128 Graduates


Twenty-two law enforcement dispatchers graduated Friday from the Public Safety Dispatch Academy at the Kentucky Department of Criminal Justice Training.

The graduates hail from communications centers across the state, and comprise DOCJT’s 128th telecommunications academy class, which first began in 1999.

The students graduating from the Public Safety Dispatch Academy represent the successful completion of a highly structured and comprehensive curriculum. The five weeks of training consisted of 205 hours of academy instruction to satisfy mandated training requirements.

Major training areas included identifying the role and responsibilities of the dispatcher, correct phone and radio procedures, handling emergency and non-emergency calls for service, emergency medical dispatch protocols and use of the state and national criminal databases.

This class included an exceptional 20 trainees of distinction and was awarded the title of Class of Distinction with an average total grade point average of 96.83 percent. To earn this recognition, a student must not fail any tested area, not receive any disciplinary action, earn an evaluation rating of acceptable in every observed category and score an average of 95 percent or higher on all academic tests. Students who achieve this distinction are given a special academy pin to wear on their uniforms.

Additionally, Ohio County Sheriff’s Dispatcher Kathy Davis received the academic achievement award. Dispatch basic training is mandatory for any sworn or civilian employee who will dispatch law enforcement officers by radio at a Criminal Justice Information Systems agency. DOCJT also provides in-service and leadership training for Kentucky public safety dispatchers and law enforcement officers.