DOCJT Launches Redesigned Website


As far as the Department of Criminal Justice Training’s website is concerned, it’s out with the old, and in with the new. On Friday, Aug. 23, DOCJT unveiled a redesigned website with its clients in mind.

“It’s about time,” Commissioner Alex Payne said. “Compared to the old one, it’s ping pong balls and watermelons. It’s good to have something fresh and updated. It has a lot of current information that is going to keep us in touch with everyone we serve. It is modern and navigational-friendly.”

Work on the redesign began in January 2019 with a content inventory of the old DOCJT website. Development of initial site architecture for the new site started at the same time, DOCJT Graphic Design Coordinator Kevin Brumfield said.

“My goal from the beginning was to create a site to serve the needs of DOCJT’s client base,” Brumfield said. “I tried to look at the new site through the eyes of our audience; the law enforcement, telecommunications and courts; as well as potential and incoming recruits. I wanted to streamline the process of finding the information they need as much as possible.”

The hard work paid off in a big way, and it will have a significant impact within Kentucky’s law enforcement and dispatcher communities, Payne surmised.

“Before, (the old site) was a dinosaur,” he said. “It looked like it was back when the internet was invented. Now, we have something that reflects what this place is all about.”

Aside from the overall look of the website, the newly designed site offers multiple features, Brumfield added.

“The new site is mobile-friendly,” he explained. “It will play well on a desktop, phone, or tablet. Secondly, the new site is database driven and fully searchable. This feature alone should be beneficial to those looking for information from DOCJT.”

Special Topics Section Supervisor Larry Sennett agreed.

“The dropdown menu for the different categories makes it easier to access information,” Sennett said. “All the information can be easily accessed in one central location, and the contact information is readily accessible to find a staff member to ask any questions.”

From the outset, much thought and planning went into every aspect of the design.

“Development of the new DOCJT site was a team effort from the beginning,” Brumfield said. “The Staff Services, Planning and Communications Section began planning in January with discussion focused on what would help our clients the most. Once the initial prototype design was tested and approved, our writers began conducting interviews with various departments throughout the agency, and content began rolling in.”

Payne agreed, adding that it’s a website to be proud of.

“This has been long overdue, and I appreciate all the work everyone did on it,” he said. “It brings us into everyone else’s world who has a professional, modern-looking website.”

Suggestions from DOCJT clients are encouraged to make it the best website it can be, Brumfield said.

“After all, this new website is for their benefit,” Brumfield explained. “The easiest way to submit an idea or suggestion would be to use the Contact Us form on the new site.”

NEWSMichael Moore