Important Client Survey Coming Soon


Dear Kentucky Law Enforcement partners,

I hope this message finds you and your officers safe and healthy during this time. I want to personally thank you for the work and sacrifice your agency is making on behalf of all Kentuckians to aid in winning the fight against the novel coronavirus 2019.

Kentucky Department of Criminal Justice Training strives to provide the highest degree of training available in the United States to the brave law enforcement officers across the Commonwealth. In order to do so effectively, we ask for your input on the upcoming 2020 Client Survey.


This is your opportunity to help us improve and provide the training needs specific to your agency. The survey can be completed anonymously, and should not take up to much of your time. Please answer as openly and honestly as possible, DOCTJ will use the completed surveys as the bases to determining new training content and locations for next year.

Thank you for your valuable time and input,

Nicolai Jilek
Commissioner, DOCJT