Department of Criminal Justice Training Class 516 Basic Training Graduates


On May 27, the Kentucky Department of Criminal Justice Training (DOCJT) announced that 29 law enforcement officers from agencies across the state have graduated the basic training academy.

“Your hard work and dedication have brought you to this day, where you transition from recruits to officers,” said Gov. Andy Beshear. “As you begin working in your communities, remember that this is a job about people. Serve well. Protect honorably. And on the long days, know that your community is indebted to the work you do to make this a safer Kentucky.”

The graduates of Class 516 received 800 hours of recruit-level instruction over 20 weeks. 

Major training areas include: patrol procedures, physical training, vehicle operations, defensive tactics, criminal law, traffic and DUI, firearms, criminal investigations, cultural awareness, bias related crimes and tactical responses to crisis situations.

“That badge demonstrates a sacred trust and covenant between you as public servants and the public you serve,” DOCJT Commissioner Nicolai Jilek told recruits. “Wear it with the dignity and honor it deserves; the dignity and honor that your fellow man deserves.”